Shipping customer success story for using Conversational AI Chatbot from Certainly Customer Inquiries Chat Solution

Where the digital chat solution handles 80% of customer inquiries

  • Why an AI chatbot? To relieve customer service from repetitive tasks and increase efficiency.
  • Results within the first 24 hours: the traffic coming through the chatbot had a 4 times higher conversion rate.
  • How does the bot help the customer service? It answers 80% of customer inquiries.
  • What is the capacity of the chatbot? It can handle 1000 chats at the same time.
  •’s future goals? To train the chatbot for different languages and expand the business to other countries.

To most people who opened a business school textbook or heard the “Increase revenue and reduce cost” mantra, it might sound like a dream scenario.

Yet, it is what Ulrik Kjærsgaard Larsen, owner of, and his 12-men team who offer shipping services in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway experience.

The secret to the IT chat solution lies in analyzing all incoming customer inquiries and determining what questions were support-related and what questions were sales-related.

After Ulrik and his team structured the historical data, they fed Certainly’s chat robot the questions and configured the answers they would usually give a customer via email, chat, and telephone.

The chat solution has been set up for both, & The solution is in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish and supporting all three language versions in English.

Certainly infographic - representation of the busy working environment and replying to customer inquiries.
Certainly chatbot handling multiple customer inquiries.

First customer inquiries resolved within 24 hours

Big impact with little effort

Of course, we had great expectations of Certainly’s starter kit – but not in our wildest imagination did we imagine that our new chatbot would halve our number of support tickets and relieve our customer service to the extent it does.

Add to that the fact that we can also assert that the traffic coming through the chatbot has a conversion rate which is 4 times higher, and we almost have to pinch ourselves to believe it is true. But it is,

Ulrik Kjærsgaard Larsen, founder and CEO of, says.

A screenshot of website page, with the open chat tab. Chatbot answering to customer inquiries.
Certainly chatbot on’s website

Switching from live chat to Certainly’s Customer Inquiries Chat Solution used to have a chat managed by a customer service agent.

However, this solution wasn’t effective enough. The agent could not handle all incoming tickets and customer inquiries. Moreover, the chat was available for customers during regular working hours. was searching for a solution that could run 24/7 and take care of repetitive questions. Thus, customer service agents would be able to spend their time on more complicated customer inquires.

Certainly brand image in purple: "Always know what your customers want?"

Certainly’s conversational chatbot was what was looking for. Firstly, the bot is easy to build, with no coding required. It is fast and provides customer support 24/7.

Equally important, needed a bot speaking Danish. Certainly, unlike other AI Chatbot companies, was able to create a Danish-language solution tailored according to’s needs.

At the moment, the chatbot answers 80% of questions! Only 20% of customer inquires are handled manually. That is an enormous relief for customer service.

The bot can handle 1000 customers at the same time, increasing the efficiency of the ordering process.

Since receives numerous customer inquires on weekends, AI chatbot seems like a perfect solution, which improves customer experience and customer satisfaction.

With a digital chatbot, which can be easily trained for different languages, considers scaling their business to other countries.

Infographic of a person standing on a rocket - the metaphor for skyrocketing customer service with a customer inquiries chatbot.

At Certainly, it always starts with data analysis

The data analysis forms the basis of the customer journey itself.

A profile image of a woman.

“When we start up a new collaboration with a customer, one of our first tasks is to get a handle on the data. Our task is to analyze and structure existing data collected from email chat support and match it against the FAQ. But in the case of Ulrik and his team, they had already been keeping track of their data.

“Therefore, in regards to, our role was more about supporting the actual implementation and advising on the use of our chatbot SaaS chat solution,”

says Farnaz Aref, former Chief Conversational Design Officer, Certainly.

Implementation of structural dialogues

The configuration of chatbots has much in common with configuring marketing automation.

The implementation of chatbots means looking at the overall dialogue structure, establishing links between text dialogues, and adding rules that determine what happens when customer inquiries are received.

When the chatbot has been configured, typically as both customer service and sales chatbot, it will be implemented in up to three different channels – on the website, in Facebook Messenger, and mobile phone apps.

The measurement of’s entire customer journey

The next step for and Certainly is to link data, ensuring that the entire customer journey can be monitored as a whole.

This will include everything! From traffic to initialization of dialogues, to the links the user clicks in the chatbot and on through the sales funnel and out into the website to see which targets users hit.

A black and white profile image of a man.

“Obviously, when we experience this great success with that little effort, we are interested in finding out what happens if we spend even more time on the chatbot. We can already see how we can strengthen the chatbot by making it smarter and answering more questions, so that is where we will start.

“Since we are already a data-driven company, we want to link our data with the data we can get from Certainly and work in a more structured manner going forward,”

Ulrik Kjærsgaard Larsen says.

Data-driven decisions

The chatbot technology is relatively new, why it obviously involves new ways to measure success and limitations.

We are a young company with new technology for existing markets. We have a good overview of our data but did not really put it to use yet.

“The clients we have have been more interested in seeing what the chatbot technology really is and how it fits into their existing business.

“Now is the time to go for a more data-driven approach. Several of our current customers are already ready to work in a data-driven manner. We are pleased that requests data-driven decisions and development,”

says Martin Stahl, former CMO/CDO of Certainly.

Certainly has data, the customers have multiple sets of data, both from the customer service platform, web analytics, social media, email, and NPS. This is the data to be given priority, used for optimization, and converted into a basis for decision making.

Infographic of data driven processes and decisions
Customer inquiries answered by Certainly chatbot.

New KPIs and measurement concepts for a new technology

In the holistic view of all data sets, the linking of data and working in an even more data-driven manner Certainly introduces new KPIs which the generally data-savvy marketer does not normally work with. These are e.g. “Fallback” and “Human take-over”

“Of course, we are working with a new technology that involves automated dialogue. Even if we implement NLP now, in the second quarter, there will still be areas which a chatbot must first learn to understand.”

“And in the specific cases where the chatbot has its limits, we work with a fallback which refers the chat to a customer service representative (Human take-over).”

“That is, when the chatbot runs out of answers, our fallback is to ask users if they want to speak to a customer service representative. While this means that we do not drop the customer, it also tells us where the limitation to each chatbot lies.”

“Once we have data in the form of questions, the context to which the questions relate, timestamps, etc., we can transfer new knowledge and learning to the chatbot. This is our foremost area for taking action.”

“Data in the form of number and types of customer inquiries and the number of sales conversions and traffic to the chatbot will also play a role when more knowledge is to be transferred to the chatbot,” Martin Stahl concludes.

Written by Martin Stahl