Food & Beverages


Certainly team. People smiling. Chatbot building platform for business.

Feastable’s AI Assistant Solution  

MrBeast’s brand new snack company Feastables has hit the ground running and provided excellent customer support with help from Certainly. Starting as a webshop-only customer support AI assistant, FeastyBot is already beginning to grow out into SMS and Conversational Commerce. Some data from Feastables:  

  • 6.5% of total revenue driven by FeastyBot 
  • 20% higher Average Order Value on purchases made after chatting with FeastyBot 
  • 52 Net Promoter Score (Industry benchmark 40, Statista) 
  • Over 120,000 conversations monthly 
An image displaying the key figures: Certainly contributed to 6.5% of total revenue, 52 Net Promoter Score, over 120 thousand monthly conversations and 20% higher Average Order Value on Certainly purchases.

Who are Feastables?   

Feastables is the latest venture by YouTube sensation, philanthropist, and businessman Jimmy Donaldson (AKA MrBeast). The goal was to create “delicious snacks” using only simple ingredients that aren’t, in their words, “low key trash.”

The homepage of MrBeast's Feastables webshop with the Certainly-powered chatbot in the corner.
FeastyBot in its natural habitat.

Given Donaldson’s origin as a YouTuber with a powerful brand, this new venture also had to have its own connection to his existing audience. Jim Murray – formerly of RXBar and Donaldson’s Co-founder – says in an interview with Fast Company that “the stunts, the spectacles, the interaction that Jimmy is known for, we want to bring that to his audience and beyond as Feastables.” This vision has been reflected in their collaboration with Certainly on the FeastyBot AI assistant, which powers customer interaction on the Feastables website.   

We spoke to Jess Cervellon, CX Strategy & Operations Leader at Feastables, about setting up FeastyBot, the benefits they’ve already begun to see from implementing a Conversational Commerce webshop, and their plans for the bot. 

Introducing FeastyBot, a new kind of AI chatbot for ecommerce  

When you first visit the Feastables website, you’ll notice a little cartoon creature waving at you from the bottom corner. That’s FeastyBot, the AI assistant built by Feastables and powered by Certainly!  

A quotation from Jess Cervellon: “[since] our overall goal was customization and being able to really develop it with our brand voice and not just have a Plug and Play template, we decided to go with Certainly.” 

Jess told us that Feastables had two goals in mind when creating FeastyBot. Firstly, the bot had to be customizable in the extreme: “[since] our overall goal was customization and being able to really develop it with our brand voice and not just have a Plug and Play template, we decided to go with Certainly.”   

Feastables had the challenge of building a unique brand voice and having customers connect with it as a new business. By making FeastyBot with their brand voice on the Feastables website, customers can engage with them on a conversational level. This is a massive improvement from just clicking around or reaching out to customer experience agents. 

A gif of the FeastyBot, the Feastables Chatbot, in the Certainly widget.
Say hi to FeastyBot!

“Having a bot with your brand voice on the website gives the customer the ability to have a conversation with something attached to your brand,” says Jess. By giving website visitors an additional layer bridging digital and human experience, “you convert them as not just buyers but also someone loyal to your brand.” In having over 120,000 conversations a month, Feastables has been able to collect hundreds of thousands of zero-party data points. This enables them to tailor the experience to their customers.  

Keeping the Brand Agile  

The second goal was reflected in the agility at the core of Feastables’ business strategy. Donaldson has said, “if you plan out a year ahead, after three months you’re going to hate it, because it’s old.” This is something that Jess agrees with. The ability to constantly improve the bot was essential to her because Feastables “doesn’t want to become stale.”   

The Certainly browser plug-in means that our customers can build their bots directly into their webshop and instantly see results. This allowed Jess and her team to play with the chatbot, see what did or didn’t work, and respond immediately.  

The ease at which the Certainly Platform integrated with Feastables’ pre-existing CRM, Gorgias, also helped. By using Certainly’s Webhook Builder and premade integrations, Feastables’ web team could seamlessly fit FeastyBot alongside tools they already used. This, alongside the support from Certainly’s CS team, meant that Jess and her team could get FeastyBot up and running in no time and were always able to keep iterating.  

Immediate Benefits of the Bot Built on the Certainly Platform  

Furthermore, using zero-party data collected by the chatbot and made actionable using Certainly’s Clustering Tool, Jess and her team have already added 70 new conversation flows to FeastyBot. These are new behaviors, responses, and ways for the customer to interact with the bot.   

For instance, it can be rewriting responses based on the information customers were looking for. FeastyBot received many queries about the bars’ ingredients, whether they contained specific allergens or if they were Kosher or not. They also introduced more complex Conversational Commerce behaviors, like providing recommendations based on the customer’s preferred tastes, which drive sales. Feastables have seen 6.5% of their revenue be directly generated through the implementation of their AI assistant, and their NPS is at 52 (industry benchmark 40, Statista) . 

Quotation from Jess Cervellon: “Without the bot, we would have needed double the team size each month. So, let’s just assume that we would have needed 14-15 people. That saves us both time spent on training and development, plus spending from our budget.”

The savings are a definite benefit, too. With the increased efficiency, Feastables could move proposed expansions to their Customer Experience team and reinvest into growing their business.  Jess explains, “Without the bot, we would have needed double the team size each month. So, let’s just assume that we would have needed 14-15 people. That saves us both time spent on training and development, plus spending from our budget.”  

The Future of FeastyBot: Conversational Commerce and SMS

When we spoke to Jess, she already had plenty of plans for the next version of the FeastyBot AI assistant. Her two highest priority implementations were the Conversational Commerce bot and opening an SMS channel.  

Because of the ease of implementation, Feastables has already been able to introduce Conversational Commerce elements to its website. For example, once a visitor has been on one of the product pages for a short time, FeastyBot will begin to engage with them. It will provide product information and recommendations or offer promotions to encourage a purchase. It even takes the customer to the checkout to reduce cart abandonment.

These new interactions with the customer are already beginning to boost customer satisfaction, conversion rates, and average order value.  At the end of their launch period, Feastables reported 3.5x higher conversion and a 20% higher Average Order Value on purchases made after starting a conversation with FeastyBot – and that’s just the beginning! 

Image from the Feastables website, with the chatbot proactively engaging with the user.
Conversational Commerce on the Feastables website  

SMS is vital, not just because text messaging makes up a sizable proportion of Feastables’ customer interactions. It also furthers the connection between Feastables and their customers. In Jess’ view, “when you text with someone, it’s much more personal,” which helps build the excellent brand/consumer relationship that Feastables wants to nurture. Certainly’s inbuilt omnichannel support makes this process incredibly intuitive. 

FeastyBot: A Roaring Success

The Certainly powered FeastyBot has been a roaring success for Feastables. It allows the company to drive revenue, scale ticket deflection across various channels, build a confident new brand voice, uncover valuable new insights, and foster customer loyalty. So, when we asked Jess if she would recommend an AI assistant, she said, “Yes! I think for any company that wants to develop a brand voice and boost revenue, ecommerce and D2C, I would highly recommend Certainly.”   

On top of this, she found the implementation process, especially the customization opportunities, very clear and smooth, and “the Certainly team were super helpful and always able to make it happen for me.” 

Click here and see for yourself why Jess is so happy to recommend Certainly!

This post was written by Fergus Doyle, based on an interview with Jess Cervellon by Josephine Wewer and Anna Rönnfeldt. The visuals were by Vital Sinkevich and it was edited by Beatrice Carraro.